A Granny Flat for Perth that meets all demands
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Ideal for corner sites where maximum rental return can be achieved. Or where the larger site can play host to a another fully functional family home.
Contact our consultant today to and check out if this option can suit your site >
What a home!
Featuring defined living spaces, three ample sized bedrooms with built-in robes and a master suite hosting a full sized ensuite. That’s a lot of home in just the 70 square metres permitted for a Granny Flat in Perth.
Challenge your designers and watch them rise to the task. We recently asked our designers if it was possible to meet a client’s request for a three bedroom Granny Flat incorporating two bathrooms. Their first response, “NO WAY! But leaveĀ it with us!”. Needless to say, when after a few days they produced this result, and all in the 70 square metres permitted in Perth, we gave them the afternoon off!
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